A prospective BrainCore client typically calls to schedule an assessment when conventional treatment options are not as effective as expected.

Having reached a point of frustration, they are looking for non-drug solutions that address the brain’s ability to regain optimal function.

Neurofeedback, a natural approach based on scientifically sound research, is a logical alternative when all else has failed. 

Just as many children as adults have completed the BrainCore protocol, with the youngest being just three years old.

At the time of the initial assessment, Dr. Caroline will meet with the patient to discuss the intake form.

Next, the qEEG (quantitative electroencephalograph) will be performed to assess brainwave dysregulation. This noninvasive procedure measures brainwave activity from all lobes of the brain using cutting-edge computer technology. 

The data gained from the qEEG is summarized in a report.

Once she has analyzed the results privately to determine the best course of treatment, she will schedule a follow-up visit. The findings, action plan, case fee, and payment options will be discussed. Cost per case depends on the complexity of the case presented and qEEG findings. The length of time it takes to normalize brainwave patterns is affected by a client’s current state of health, lifestyle, genetics, chronicity of health concerns, medications, diet, and other factors. Braincore Therapy is not covered by insurance. However, Balance Atlanta will provide patients with all requested receipts and documentation. Depending on the case, the typical BrainCore protocol consists of 30 sessions spread over a period of 12 – 30 weeks.

Please note: BrainCore Therapy neurofeedback does not treat, solve, or cure disease—both mental and physical. Neurofeedback’s intention is to address the symptoms associated with conditions by helping train brainwave patterns to a more normalized and balanced state. It is not a replacement for prescription drugs or the care of medical doctors and therapists.

A comparative qEEG is performed after every tenth visit to determine progress.

Patients can also choose to receive chiropractic adjustments and nutritional counseling to benefit a healthy central nervous system further. The patients who experience the best results are those who have the urgency to comply with the doctor’s recommendations as stated and the willingness to adopt positive lifestyle choices.

BrainCore Q&A

Neurofeedback is biofeedback for the brain. The training tends to improve cognitive function, attention, mood, anxiety, and behavior. It helps quiet the mind. It is non-invasive and generally has no side effects.

Think of it as regulating central nervous system-related problems or “dysregulation.”  It is commonly used to address the symptoms associated with ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, attachment disorder, autism, panic attacks, peak performance, traumatic brain injury or concussions, seizures, and sleep problems. Often, specific areas of the brain are trained differently to address various issues associated with neurofeedback. BrainCore Therapy does not treat, solve, or cure mental and physical health issues. It is designed to help regulate brainwave patterns.

The number of sessions depends on the patient and the severity of the health condition. It is no different than asking how long it will take one person to get in shape by going to the gym compared to another individual. The typical BrainCore visit package starts with 20 to 30 sessions. After every 10th or 15th session, a qEEG is performed to determine progress and if the protocol should be changed.

Total session time is usually 45 minutes.

Patients often notice an improvement within 6 to 10 sessions provided they have been following the treatment plan protocol, they have supported their body with proper nutrition and other healthful lifestyle efforts, and they are participating in the healing process as a collaborative effort with the doctor. Quite frequently, family members of BrainCore patients are the first to notice the client’s changes in terms of their behavior, thought process, decreased reliance on medications, and sleep.

Clinicians report that more than half of their neurofeedback clients start neurofeedback while taking one or more medications. After training for a while, reducing medication under appropriate medical supervision is often possible. Please consult with your medical doctor to manage your case and prescriptions.

Just as physicians and psychologists vary in their effectiveness based on their training, knowledge, and people skills, the same is true of neurofeedback practitioners. Very few things help everyone. While neurofeedback helps, on average, 80% of people who try it, sometimes negative influences such as improper diet, lack of exercise, dehydration, unhealthy personal relationships, work dissatisfaction, poor lifestyle habits, other prescription or non-prescription drugs, stressful life situations, and trauma, changes in living situations and environment, and chronicity of the situation will impact the degree of success.

While there are certain codes for neurofeedback, insurance companies are reluctant to reimburse for these services as they do not fall under the typical procedures of medical doctors where the expectation is to medicate a patient versus improve the patient’s brain function naturally with neurofeedback. There is no guarantee of benefits as every insurance policy is different. 

An estimated 2,500-3,500 health professionals now use neurofeedback, including psychologists, chiropractic and medical doctors, licensed social workers, educational psychologists, marriage and family counselors, and registered nurses.

In a survey, clinicians who use neurofeedback reported that it improves symptoms for a large percentage of clients. It may help clients reduce the use of medications.

Neurofeedback works very well in a clinical setting, but few physicians are educated about it. This is probably the biggest obstacle to acceptance. You have to look at the role of most medical doctors: their job is to prescribe medicine to mitigate symptoms, not to educate and retrain patients’ neurology to optimal function. Therefore, a medical doctor is not a likely candidate to include BrainCore Therapy or any form of neurofeedback in their practices.

In addition, medical doctors are paid by insurance companies based on the guidelines set forth by insurance carriers. Since neurofeedback does not fit in the business model of insurance companies, and if training sessions are most likely not to reimburse the doctor, physicians working in the allopathic, insurance-based model will not likely offer neurofeedback to their clients. 

Outside of the medical model, it takes a certain type of doctor or health practitioner to invest the time and financial resources to purchase the very expensive equipment, become a trained expert in using the technology, and establish the time, space and staff to implement neurofeedback in their offices. For most doctors, it is easier to prescribe a pill than it is to educate and empower patients towards optimal brain function. 

Please call 404 261 4848 to schedule your initial consultation.

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