“To ensure good health, eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”

— William London

Beneath the surface, the reality of juggling life is a daunting task. The relentless expectations of our current lifestyle often require that we keep a tight lid on how we feel on the inside.

Within professional and social circles, very few of our closest confidantes would suspect a theme of anxiety, depression, isolation, and frustration is the currency of our emotional life.

Despite the veneer of everything being just fine, the opposite is quite true. Do any of the following situations sound familiar?
  • Chronically sick kids: multiple trips to the doctor, more prescriptions, disrupted household routine, missed days from school, rearranging work schedules, and nerves frazzled.
  • There are not enough hours in the day for carpooling, meal prep, errands, homework help, after-school activities, volunteer work, exercise, quality time with spouse, social life outside of kids, work, and restorative sleep.
  • Corporate life controls you: job security on shaky ground, uncertainty about a promotion, financial pressure, office politics, career dissatisfaction, boredom, overwhelm, extensive travel, tight deadlines, and waning stamina.
  • Keeping up with expectations: the pursuit of fitness perfection, fitting in with social circles, financially supporting material lifestyle, being a selfless mom or dad, maintaining a successful marriage, finding purpose in life, climbing the career ladder, caring for elderly parents, planning for the future, navigating the politics of extended family.
  • Childhood is cut short: academic pressure, temptation to engage in sexual activity, easy access to drugs and alcohol, blended and broken families, mountains of homework, little time for self, body image issues, hormonal roller coaster, expected participation in team sports, social popularity contests, status based on appearance.

You cannot ignore the damaging effects of stress. Time reveals all truths.

Unless we are masters at handling stress, the body will eventually tell us that we’re being challenged.

It starts with headaches, grinding teeth at night, and holding our breath. The signs continue with perhaps skipping meals, working out with unrelenting fervor, emotional outbursts, insomnia, and having a drink or two, plus a few pills to calm the nerves. Unchecked, the inability to maintain balance may lead to addictions, failed relationships, chronic health crises, squelching symptoms with drugs, derailed careers, and financial strain.

Sadly, children are swept up into this cycle at younger ages where social, academic, athletic, and family demands weigh heavily on self-esteem. The statistics on suicide, cutting, sleep and mood disturbances, eating disorders, drug addiction, impulsivity, and other destructive behaviors prove the price of privilege. Do we sit back and watch, or do we take initiative now?

At Balance Atlanta, the focus is on sound mental and physical health.

Understanding that the central nervous system controls every function, including cells, organs, and glands, Dr. Caroline emphasizes healing the body from the inside out. Using advanced technology, including high-speed digital X-ray, chiropractic analysis, neurofeedback, qEEG brain mapping, and lab testing, she is able to objectively assess the level of stress in a patient’s body.

The scientific data allows her to create a custom action plan for each patient regardless of age or condition. By restoring health naturally, Dr. Caroline empowers practice members to thrive rather than survive in light of stress. As a result, we nurture families to enjoy a more productive quality of life for years to come.

Benefits of Chiropractic for Stressed Teens and Adults
  • Decrease discomfort from carrying heavy backpacks and sitting in front of computers
  • Restore a clear neurological connection between the brain and muscles, organs, and glands
  • Improve posture, flexibility, balance and coordination
  • Release tension from areas in our body where we hold stress: neck, jaw, shoulders, back
  • Minimize damage from clenching and grinding of teeth
  • Decrease the likelihood of tension, migraine, and cluster headaches
  • Enhance proper breathing rhythm to oxygenate the brain and calm the nervous system
  • Improve sleep and the ability to “turn off the brain” after stressful events
  • Prevent the accumulation of damage from spinal injuries, sports, poor posture
  • Decrease the stress response due to academic, social, family, and career challenges
  • Build an awareness of mental, physical, and emotional balance at any age
  • Encourage respect for the body and a healthy self-image
  • Boost the immune system in light of prolonged stress
  • Minimize the effects of travel: fatigue, jet lag, back and neck pain
  • Enhance restorative functions: rest, digestion, repair, elimination
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