Alicia’s Allergy Story

by Caroline von Fluegge-Chen

Alicia’s Allergy Story

“I would like to share my personal story with all of you.  I am 24 years old, and I have been in and out of the hospital more times to count on 10 fingers and toes. I have had numerous kidney infections and severe allergies.  I have seen specialists, have had procedures done, and prescribed all sorts of different medicines.  Each time, hoping for someone to tell me something different, I was told the same thing, “Well, everything looks ok, but we’ll put you on this antibiotics.”  Something was not ok.  When the doctor would prescribe me an antibiotic, and then I would say, we tried that already and it didn’t work.  I started to believe that there was no hope for getting better and it was something that I was just going to have to live with.

Here is where my life changes:  I started getting adjusted regularly by Dr. C, 3 to 4 times a week.  Within my first adjustment I noticed I could breathe easier.  That night I went home and slept better than I have since before college!  That was just the first string of little miracles within my body.  You name it; I’ve taken almost every brand of allergy medicine in the past 15 years of my life.  I cannot recall a day where I didn’t sneeze at least 4 times.  Since being adjusted I am proud to report that I have not had to take any medicine at all in the past month! I also did the Body Chemistry Analysis, which is a test that measures your PH balances in your body (through saliva and urine) and how your chemistry is ruling your body.  I got my results to the tests back and when I looked at my graph, my only “excellent” category was actually my kidney stress.  I was shocked to see this.  The doctor who has mastered and developed this test showed me that because I had been drinking a lot more water and getting adjusted regularly, my kidneys, for the first time, have been working the way they were designed to.  The test showed that with the right food choices and continuing to get adjusted regularly, my body will be more aligned and healthier than it has ever been.

It makes me sad to think back to all of the co pays, ER visits, procedures, and specialists visits that could have been money saved by my parents if we had known the benefits of chiropractic care at a younger age. I honestly believe that my adjustments have been the reason for my health improvements. If I feel this good after one month of care, I can’t wait to update all of you in a few months again!”