by Caroline von Fluegge-Chen
Dear Dr. C,
I know Tony has been our primary communicator, but I wanted to offer my gratitude to you as well. I believe that you have literally given our daughter back to us. I believe that if Janna had not discovered you, we would still be swimming in a swirling sea of even more doctors and medications, and even farther away from unlocking the answers to Janna’s health problems.
I must admit, when Janna first told us that she was going to see you I thought, “Oh Lord, what are we in for now?” But then after seeing you she called us so excited, telling us what you had said, I knew we had to meet you and hear what you had to say. You gave us hope that day, hope that we might see our Janna again. The smart, independent young woman we hadn’t seen in a few years.
Her life is back on track now. I’m sure she has shared with you her plans of starting at the Aveda Hair Institute next month, as well as her new job at Van Michael Salon. Not to mention the young man in her life now. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen her this happy! Janna is an intelligent young woman and we believe that we have given her a firm foundation on which to build her life, but you were the catapult that has taken her out of the darkness and into the light! For that I am forever grateful.
Most Sincerely,
Lisa W.