A letter from Kenny Smoker thanking the New Renaissance for Love Has No Color
Dear Dr. Kevin and Dr. Ed,
I just wanted to send out a “THANK YOU” to you and Love Has No Color members, for their participation in last week’s “Kids Fun Day”. It was a remarkable event, well organized prior to the coming out by all your members from the start. It was one of the best times that I can remember. The momentum is getting greater after each visit, children get excited, more specific focus comes out, and especially from the group on how can they help. I said in one interview, when we talk about some of the more tragic issues we face here on the reservation, suicide and suicide attempts have decreased since Love Has No Color came to our reservation. I know that we can’t specifically say this is a contributing factor, but I say, positive energy is coming out of caring and compassionate people unlike I have ever seen. Their energy is strong and uplifting, they mean what they say. Their honesty strikes deep, they have not left us. It has given our children hope!
I tell many people it is very difficult living in an environment that can suck you in, in a negative way, but with good people coming onto the reservation like the “The New Renaissance Chiropractic Group” a breath of fresh air is given, and makes one want to work harder until the next time. You all bring out the best in our people, what a gift!
As I reflect back, it has been hard for me to deal with some of the great people who left us, like Darryl Red Eagle, he was a very close friend, he was inspiring to make the changes for our people especially our children, but left us unexpectedly. His commitment lives within us, he was a great warrior looking to protect and defend the children. The warriors of the past were instilled with; fortitude, generosity, wisdom and bravery, this is still within some of our people. We can see this with the New Renaissance, a new group of warriors coming in to help us move forward and believing in our people. I think it is time to have chiropractic services here.
We are blessed to have you and others as a part of our lives, an answered prayer.
Thank you for all you do!
Kenny Smoker
Head of Health and Human Services, Fort Peck