The following articles on breastfeeding are written for and featured in Pathways Connect, the magazine produced by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. For more info, visit and
Nurture the Nervous System, Nourish the Baby
Baby’s Hungry: A Daddy’s Perspective on Nursing (and Nursing in Public)
Prenatal Yoga and Childbirth Education: Preparing Your Body and Mind
Breastfeeding as an Ecofeminist Issue
What’s in Your Baby’s Formula?
Societal Barriers to Breastfeeding
Milk Sharing: A Mother’s Story
Nighttime Breastfeeding: How Does it Affect Maternal Mental Health?
Cluster Feedings and Fussy Evenings
Of Love and Milk: Facing Our Breastfeeding Ambivalence
Will Breastfeeding Give Your Child Cavities?
Breastfeeding Difficulties and Chiropractic
Breastfeeding in Public: Breastfeeding and the Law (Part 2)
Breastfeeding & Bedsharing: Still Useful (And Important) After All These Years