Georgia Council of Chiropractors

In 1988, after the GCC designated the week of September 18 – 24 as Chiropractic Week in Georgia, Georgia’s Gov., Joe Frank Harris also proclaimed this time frame to be Chiropractic Week in honor of the 93rd anniversary of the chiropractic profession.

On October 20, 1990, the GCC kicked off its first free Philosophy Night series. The guest speaker was Dr. James Gregg. Other nationally known Philosophy Night speakers have included Dr. Ian Grassam, Dr. John Hofmann, Dr. James Sigafoose and Drs. Jennifer and Palmer Peet. The popular philosophy series continued during the 1992-93 year. The sessions, designed to bring back the “passion” D.C.s have for their profession, has been a high point for chiropractors in the state of Georgia. All chiropractors are invited to attend, whether or not they are GCC members.

Georgia Sen. Wyche Fowler was the guest speaker at the 1990 fall convention at the Evergreen Conference Center in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

The GCC magazine originated in the spring of 1991. This quarterly publication, edited by Dr. Brad Pizza, is mailed to all chiropractors and legislators in the state of Georgia. Through the magazine’s in-depth articles, legislators and others outside the council have gained an understanding of the council’s position on important issues.

Georgia Insurance Commissioner Tim Ryles was the guest speaker at the 1991 fall convention at the Stouffer Waverly Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. The GCC also celebrated its 10th anniversary at this convention. Dr. J.K. Humber was honored with the first GCC Chiropractor of the Year Award.

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