Never underestimate the power of the brain to repair connections, heal from stress, adapt to change, function more efficiently, and develop balanced  brainwave patterns.

Optimal brain health is possible at any age.

At Balance Atlanta, integrative health is the key to wellness care. By addressing the mind AND the body, we accelerate our clients’ ability to solve chronic issues that have prevented them from achieving their full potential in the past.

The brain, our master control system, regulates every physical function of the body, as well as directs all behaviors, thoughts, abilities, responses, memories, and emotions.

Doesn’t it make sense to retrain the brain to function at a higher level using BrainCore technology in conjunction with custom lifestyle changes to suit our patients’ unique needs?

Is Neurofeedback the right solution for your health concerns?

Let’s meet. Let’s talk. Let’s find out. Let’s work.

Option 1: Let’s meet – one free 10-minute phone call

If you are like most of our patients, you’ve been around the block seeking treatments from a wide assortment of professionals with some success. You are researching additional solutions, and you’re leaning towards non-drug options to complement what you are already practicing to improve mental health. Or, maybe you’re just starting out. Having read the pages on this site about neurofeedback, you’d like to find out if BrainCore is the right fit. 

Option 2: Let’s talk – one 30 to 40-minute case history phone consultation

Our team will e-mail you an intake form prior to the scheduled call to understand your current state of well-being. The form will cover all aspects of health, including brain function, emotional balance, stress response, inflammation, gut health, nutrition, sleep, immune system, hormones, past history and treatments, specific goals, and challenges. During the call, take your time – explain what’s on your mind. Dr. Caroline will ask questions and listen patiently without judgment. This is YOUR time. Get new insights.

Option 3: Let’s find out – BrainCore qeeG evaluation + discussion of findings

You are tired of figuring out why the quality of your life is being negatively impacted by your state of brain health. Are the fluctuating states of mood, focus, and performance the result of genetics, biochemical imbalances, lifestyle, stress overload, and trauma? Have you maxed out with online research and experimented on your own with one miracle supplement after another – only to feel completely confused at this point?

It might be time to meet Dr. Caroline to discuss your objectives in person. Let’s start with a full brain health questionnaire specific to your needs. Next, we’ll talk and map out a roadmap for mental and physical healing. Then we perform the qEEG brainwave assessment using BrainCore technology to determine which regions of your brain are working well, which are in overdrive, and which are underperforming. Precisely, these functions are measured in terms of magnitude, dominant frequency, interconnectivity, and asymmetry. In some cases, we include a chiropractic or metabolic brain-based assessment to evaluate neurological/biochemical dysfunction, which may be playing a role in a client’s state of mental health. 

At the follow-up visit, you’ll receive a 12-page report generated by BrainCore Therapy software, a full-color analysis of your results exclusive to Balance Atlanta written in plain English which will include an introduction to neurofeedback; informative graphics; an explanation of your specific pattern of dysregulation and the impact it has on mental health; assessment of metabolic body systems; recommendations for proper nutrition and supplements (if needed); and introduction to brain-based lifestyle protocols; and much more based on the age and mind-body state of the client.

Dr. Caroline will have studied your results and will meet with you for an hour to discuss the findings in a way that makes sense. You will feel empowered because you will finally understand what has eluded you – the big picture, the why, the how, and where to go from here. At this point, stop right here, your questions were answered. Or, continue with further consulting to solve the health issues at hand.

Option 4: Let’s work – a one-on-one concierge BrainCore program

Now that we have a better insight into neurological dysregulation, biochemical imbalances, and lifestyle challenges, it’s time to be proactive. End the suffering. Move forward. Get resolution. Dr. Caroline will create a neurofeedback plan of action to address your specific brainwave patterns and their impact on your personal life based on a client’s age, state of health, and goals. 

Recognizing that chronic illnesses develop over time, this program is not for those seeking short-term, quick-fix answers. Due to limited availability, we accept only motivated clients who are ready to make the financial and time commitment necessary to achieve the desired results through health coaching.

Your time is precious. We begin with one initial power session and provide you with everything you’ll need to start the fast track. BrainCore sessions are done on-site at Balance Atlanta. Further lifestyle and functional medicine consulting is done by sequential 30-minute phone or video meetings, e-mail, and text. This is convenient for both local and remote clients.

BrainCore therapy is not covered by insurance, though some insurance policies do cover chiropractic care once deductibles are met. BrainCore patients receiving chiropractic care may request a receipt listing chiropractic visits/insurance codes to submit to their carrier for direct reimbursement based on insurance policy terms and conditions. All payments are made out-of-pocket. Cost varies based on the severity of the case. Typical concierge plans range from 3 to 6 months. Our health coaching services are not a substitute for professional medical care and should not be relied upon in diagnosing or treating a medical condition, ailment, or disease. 

Fast Track BrainCore Therapy

Please fill out and submit the questionnaire below. By doing so, Dr. Caroline will have the necessary information to make the call as focused as possible. Our staff will be in touch with you during regular office hours to schedule a convenient time for the consult.

  • Please contact me about:
  • I understand and agree to:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

I am interested in BrainCore Therapy sessions at Balance Atlanta.

Can you tell me about the lifestyle topics to speed up my results?

I’d like to get started now.

Here is just a sample of topics Dr. Caroline chooses from based on each patient’s age, state of health, and goals. Plans are custom-designed and concierge-coordinated to fit your needs specifically. Changes in lifestyle and thinking are critical to supporting brain health.

  • Concepts on function and brain repair at any age
  • How brainwave dysregulation may contribute to depression, fear, inattention, impulsivity, obsessions and compulsions, addiction, memory, temper, intimacy, sleep disorders
  • Essential micro/macro nutrients for brain health 
  • Consequences and symptoms of nutrient deficiencies and malabsorption
  • What does your microbiome have to do with depression?
  • How to recognize brain inflammation and what to do about it
  • Anti-inflammatory brain food list for balance and healing
  • Dietary suggestions for ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism, compulsive behavior, stress, peak performance, focus, female/male hormonal changes, anti-aging, brain trauma, etc.
  • Fifteen days to a better brain ebook.
  • Determine your biological age by testinng stress biomarkers
  • Brain robbers and boosters – how to build a better memory
  • The role of neurotransmitters and amino acids to maintain a healthy brain
  • Best exercises for your brain to improve focus, sleep, mood
  • Eating for balanced blood sugar and mental stamina
  • Our genes are not our destiny – key health concepts in the field of epigenetics
  • Lifestyle habits for mental clarity and physical endurance
  • How to create the optimal environment for restorative sleep
  • Endocrine disruptors – your hormones under siege
  • How to improve your brain despite your hormones
  • The brain-gut axis – how your digestive system talks to your brain
  • Rehab for the brain – fix your gut
  • Fight or flight response and the hypersensitive gut
  • How to recognize toxic overload in the brain and what to do about it
  • The five pillars of a productive detox plan
  • How to support your brain, gut, liver, and other organs for optimal detoxification
  • Electromagnetic (EMF) pollution – sources, risks, and how to protect your brain
  • The biology of anxiety and depression
  • How to support the nervous system with adaptogens
  • Guided meditation to feel grounded and centered
  • Addictions and compulsions – biochemical and neurologic causes
  • How to rewire your brain to rewrite your story
  • How chronic emotional stress damages your adrenals and thyroid gland
  • Calming strategies to reset stress
  • Digital detox – how to unplug from devices that mess with your brain
  • 10 skills for happiness you were never taught
  • 20 tips for brain-based wellness throughout all stages of life
  • Rest and recovery strategies to center mind and body
  • Why chronic stress makes you old and fat
  • Use adversity to support personal growth
  • Managing overload in a distracted world

….and many more.